Ryan Skaza

Experience and Qualifications

I've been coding for a little over a year. I started out by taking an intro course in Python. From there, I enrolled in this current class. Here, I've had the opportunity to gain some experience in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and have a look at PHP. I've created a few personal projects ranging from Python video games to creating websites.
I've grown my leadership skills through a variety of opportunities in and out of school. During my freshman and sophomore years of high school, I was president of my class. I am also an active NHS member.
I've been working in the food service industry for over three years. During my time working at a restaurant, I've held a vareity of positions. I've served ice cream, cooked, cleaned, washed dishes, served food, prepped, etc.
Throughout high school and many other events, I've been worked with others to accomplish a common goal. I attended HOBY, where my peers and I participated in many leadership building activites. I also attended the tech and design program through GIV. There, I worked with others to develop projects regarding technology.